100 Affirmations to Inspire Self Love

Hey, there, beautiful soul. Needing some love? Feeling the lack? That's okay. Maybe take some time to read these to yourself (bonus points for reading out loud!) and let them sink into your skin. You're doing great. 

1. I am where I need to be. 
2. I am here for myself. 
3. It feels good to hold my own hand. 
4. I can feel my heart beating for me. 
5. I am doing my best, and that's wonderful
6. I know how to take care of myself. 
7. I know what I need. 
8. Right now I choose to cultivate joy. 
9. I love _____ about myself. 
10. I am soft, and that's okay. 
11. I just need a little space sometimes. 
12. I am growing. 
13. Darkness is in me, but I'm not afraid of it. 
14. Relaxing every muscle in my body feels so good. 
15. I love listening to my body. 
16. I know what's best for me always. 
17. I choose me over everything else. 
18. I can do whatever I want. 
19. I can see the habits that aren't so good for me. 
20. I am working on me, for me. 
21. Taking a moment to breathe, I can tune into my body and ask what it needs. 
22. I am watering my garden. 
23. I understand my anger, my sadness, my guilt - I accept it so I can let it go. 
24. I believe that I deserve happiness. 
25. I deserve the best love of my life, and I can give that to myself. 
26. The love I feel for others is the love I feel for myself. 
27. I love myself. 
28. I can do so many wonderful things. 
29. I can be so kind. 
30. The forgiveness I give to others can also be bestowed upon myself. 
31. If I wrote a book about myself, I would make the ending a happy one. 
32. Struggling doesn't devalue my worth. 
33. I am worthy of my dreams. 
34. I love to calm my mind with my favorite activities. 
35. Joy flows through me like a river. 
36. When I give to others, I give to myself. 
37. I can't wait to see what I achieve. 
38. My body is doing its best and I am so grateful for that. 
39. Today, I choose to love my body as it is
40. Someday is today. 
41. I will not wait for another to love me - I will shower myself with the love I have been holding in for another. 
42. I deserve better. 
43. I have the power to change my own life. 
44. Nothing is by chance, it is all here for me to learn. 
45. I love taking time for myself. 
46. Fears do not control me. 
47. I am so strong. 
48. I am so beautiful. 
49. I believe in everything I wish to be. 
50. It's okay for me to feel what I'm feeling. I will not harm myself with judgement. 
51. I am my own best friend. 
52. I know how to be there for myself. 
53. I can communicate my needs and wants to others without shame. 
54. I deserve the kind of love I crave. 
55. Being upset doesn't make me any less worthy of love. 
56. I am so proud of myself. 
57. I don't have to feel bad for doing what I want. 
58. Kindness is the state of my mind.
59. My dream life is right here, right now. 
60. I believe in love, in every moment of my day. 
61. I can't wait to fall in love, so I can show another person just how wonderful my inner world is. 
62. I know which people are right for me, and which aren't. 
63. When I feel uncomfortable, I care about myself enough to say so. 
64. I do what I love and I love what I do. 
65. Love is a state of being, not a thing you can possess. 
66. I am a painter, and my life is my canvas. 
67. I'm so excited to see what I do with my life. 
68. I love giving to others. 
69. My body deserves pleasure as much as my mind. 
70. My wants are valid. 
71. I don't have to conform to anyone else's perception of me. 
72. I know that asking for help is healthy. 
73. My emotions are like storms - they will pass. 
74. The foundation of me is stable and sturdy. 
75. I can achieve my dreams. 
76. Some people are not meant for me. 
77. What will be, will be. 
78. I love my personality. 
79. Growth is sexy. 
80. It's okay to struggle. 
81. Taking time to invest love into myself will benefit every aspect of my life. 
82. I eat like I love myself. 
83. I deserve only the best. 
84. I am powerful. 
85. I can ask for the things I want from others. 
86. Rejection from others is not a reflection of my lovability. 
87. I shower myself with so many compliments and so much love that I require nothing from others. 
88. I choose to reject the negative and limiting attitudes I was taught as a child. 
89. I'm dropping the expectations, and opening up to the possibilities. 
90. What if my dreams could come true this moment?
91. I am so lovable and cuddly and cute and sexy- I love me!
92. Yes, I believe I am wonderful. 
93. My body can do so many amazing things. 
94. I recognize my limiting habits, and I'm ready to work on them.
95. I want to radiate positivity. 
96. My existence is inspiring to others. 
97. I choose to love myself. 
98. I am always changing, and that's okay. 
99. Belief is intoxicating. 
100. I am capable of great things.

So. Much. Love. 

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