Listening To Your Body

Dearest Body of Mine ~

Thank you for always knowing what is right for me, in every moment. And thank you for allowing me to take my sweet time figuring this out. 

Thank you for being my rock and keeping me grounded when my head is running in circles. Whenever I come back to you, I can feel reality again and leave behind the chaos I create with thoughts.

Thank you for leading me towards those people that make my heart feel light and my face feel soft. Thank you for sending up red flags around those people who may not be good for me. Whether it's an uneasiness in my belly or a tightness of my breath, I know that when you say no, it means I should say no, too. 

Thank you for helping me make tough decisions. I've had to make enough decisions to know that your immediate reaction, or the "gut feeling", is always the path that will be best for me. 

Thank you for letting me know when I need to stop and rest. Whether it's through a headache or some mild sickness, I know that you are sending out a call for more space, more rest, more relaxing time. I need to listen to you more frequently, so that it isn't only the breakdowns that make me realize I need rest. 

Thank you for telling me when it's time to move. I love the yogic path you have led me down. It feels so good to stretch my toes, wiggle my fingers, breathe deeply, and let the love flow through my soul. 

Thank you, (~holy cow, thank you~) for telling me what food feels good for my body to eat. Thank you for helping me discern craving from hunger. Thank you for loving blueberries, salmon, goat cheese, lettuce, green tea! I am so glad that the things you hunger for are the very things that make me feel my best. 

Thank you for doing all these wonderful things for me, even through the negative self talk about what you "look like". I know that you are so much more than that. You deserve nothing but praise and comfort and love, you beautiful thing, you.

Thank you for doing your best, always. I don't take good enough care of you, but you keep chugging along anyway. I appreciate all that you do for me, body, and I love every inch of you. 

I know that it's hard for me to listen sometimes, and that often I follow my "logic" before I stop to see what you want, but I appreciate the messages and gut feelings all the same. 
Keep 'em comin'. 

So much love, 

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